Classical Acupuncture Healing
Welcome to the home of Classical Acupuncture Healing on the web! We are the only acupuncture clinic in the Tampa Bay area specializing in an ancient and true traditional form of acupuncture known as Classical Five Element Acupuncture. We are conveniently located a mile from I-75 in Wesley Chapel, right across from Wiregrass Mall.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient and deeply transformative system of medicine that originated in China approximately 5,000 years ago. It is a healing system that possesses the knowledge and ability to treat any condition at the level where the true cause lies. It combines wisdom, power, and grace to assist anyone in achieving and maintaining health on all levels. In ancient China, only the Emperor and his family had access to this form of acupuncture because it was highly treasured for its efficacy, ability to treat the real root cause, and how deeply it would touch a person.
We design our treatments to treat the whole person and not just the symptoms because we understand that the issue comes from a much deeper place. This is an important understanding because if one truly desires to achieve and maintain health on all levels then one would have to correct the imbalance where it is really coming from. Address the underlying cause, achieve balance, and the symptom/s should change.
We are conveniently located in Wesley Chapel, which is reasonably close to Lutz, Land O’Lakes, Zephyrhills, Odessa, Tampa, Spring Hill, New Port Richey, San Antonio, Dade City